
The Importance of Robots in Our Daily Life


The Importance of Robots. One of the biggest debates in the recent time has been the debate on Artificial Intelligence versus Manual Labor. Many experts have taken a strong stand and claim that there is no way a robotic system will ever equal the intelligence of humans as they are much more versatile and can process a wide variety of tasks. Furthermore, humans have been programming their systems to do things like this for centuries.

However, there are also many that believe that we will find artificial intelligent robotic systems that work alongside people to do the manual labor. We know that robots will be tasked to clean houses, wash cars, pick crops, clean offices and so on. These robots will replace people not only in those tasks where they are needed today but also in other tasks that can be easily programmed by the computers and robotic systems.

Another big argument has to do with what is being done already. It is widely believed that robots already perform most of the jobs that are thought to be human tasks such as picking cotton, harvesting fruits and so on. Therefore, it is believed that robots can do most of the same tasks that humans do. Will robots be useful to help mankind or will they only serve as mindless workers doing menial tasks? This question is hard to answer as robots already perform tasks that are difficult for humans to do.

Still, the argument can be made that robots will continue to perform these tasks even when humans are no longer around. After all, there will always be a need for mechanical parts, which can be programmed in a computer program to perform specific tasks. Will robots ever be able to beat their artificially intelligent computer programs or will they eventually fail. Some futurists have even claimed that there will come a point where no robot will be able to beat its own artificial intelligence. Then what would humans do?

One possible answer to this problem comes from deontological ethics. According to deontological ethics, morality and ethics do not depend on what the robots think or how they feel about the situation at hand. The values and ethics that robots follow may be chosen by humans, but robots cannot choose right from wrong or morality from immorality. Deontological ethics is similar to utilitarianism, in which there is no moral obligation for a human to act morally (utility) or to refrain from an action that would harm others (distributive ethics). According to deontological ethics, human action does not have any value based on what humans want or how humans decide to act.

Perhaps one of the most popular arguments against robots performing tasks that humans are capable of is that we will become obsolete if robots are developed. Many people fear that as technology advances, humans will cease to exist as a species. In order for this fear to materialize, humans would have to abandon every robot they have built as they would then become redundant. However, this fear is unfounded. Humans are the only species that has developed machines that can perform some tasks that can still be performed by humans. In fact, as this list of available machines grows longer, it appears that there will always be a position for robots in society.

This is not the only argument against robots. One argument that is commonly made is that because humans will become extinct, the production lines will be automated and all of the robots will be abandoned. However, there are two problems with this argument. First, if the machines are not developed sufficiently, then humans will definitely come up with something to do with the machines. Second, if robots are developed sufficiently, then they will become redundant as there will not be enough work to go around.

Some opponents of robots state that because robots will continue to exist, there will be competition between them for labor. This is obviously true; however, this competition will be beneficial as it will drive down the prices of labor as companies will be forced to pay a fair price for the tasks that robots are capable of doing. Moreover, robots will provide people with a lot of benefits. Therefore, there is no reason to fear robots as they are not evil and can actually help mankind.